Customize your Git experience with the file available at the root of your user directory.
Simple Aliases
co = checkout
p = pull
br = branch
ci = commit
st = status
ls = log --oneline -n 10
caa = commit -a --amend -C HEAD
fdx = clean -fdx
fdxx = clean -fdX
uncommit = reset HEAD~1
empty = commit --allow-empty -m 'chore(git): empty commit'
push-o = push --set-upstream origin
Clean Local Branches
The alias clb
for clean-local-branches
cleans up your Git space by deleting local branches marked as “[gone]”, thus keeping your repository clean and organized.
clb = "!f() { (git branch -v | awk '$3 == \"[gone]\" { print $1 }' | xargs git branch -D) }; f"
Mega Pull
Tired of constantly repeating the same commands after merging a branch? Here’s a handy shortcut to quickly return to your main branch and update it.
mp = "!f() { \
colorHeader='\\033[1;36m' ; \
colorAction='\\033[1;32m' ; \
colorSuccess='\\033[0;34m' ; \
colorReset='\\x1b[0m' ; \
clear ; \
echo -e \"${colorHeader}====== π MEGA PULL π ======${colorReset}\" ; \
echo -e ; \
echo -e \"${colorAction}β»οΈ Switching to main branch...${colorReset}\" ; \
git checkout main ; \
echo -e \"\n${colorAction}π© Pulling latest updates from repository...${colorReset}\" ; \
git pull ; \
echo -e \"\n${colorAction}π§Ή Cleaning up local branches...${colorReset}\" ; \
git fetch --prune --verbose ; \
echo -e ; \
git clb ; \
echo -e \"\n${colorAction}π Displaying current status...${colorReset}\" ; \
git status ; \
}; \